Remember a blog I wrote about children long ago? Well, this is also about them but not actually a sequel to it, just another blog with the same topic. So,let us jump right into it :P
Let me narrate you a little incident that happened recently. I was in a masjid and a little kid to me and said "Bhayya! Can you button my sleeve ?". I looked at him, smiled and buttoned his sleeve. This seemed cute to me for some reason. Weird? it may be :P But the point is that kid was so innocent and cute,exactly the way child of his age should be. After the salah on my way to my cousin's home (I was at my cousin's as there was a family gathering), I kind of felt nostalgic about no longer being a child...I mean how calm and relieved their minds are! No weekend tests, no assignments, no exams, nothing! All they worry about is how to convince dad to let them eat an ice cream :P Really! Children are so happy and carefree!
A few hours later, I decided to take a walk out. I passed in front of two kids. One of them was thrashing another one. He was hitting him so hard! I stopped and thought if I should stop them! Just then a woman came out (maybe their mother) and took away the boy who was hitting another. I looked at the boy who had my sympathy, he cried and whoa! I heard him shout an expletive !! I was like what-the-hell-is-happening! Abusing at this age is something I never even thought about! At that age,if I think about my childhood,I only talked about things which made everyone laugh at my sweetness :P This incident made me rethink if childhood is really the best period? Well, it may not be if you are not raised well. If one is not raised in a good way in this phase of life, it will have a big effect on their future!
Well, going back to this kids...Was it really their fault? Nope. It is their parents' fault! One need to keep a tab on with whom their kids are spending time with! Well, if the parents themselves are a bad influence? May Allah protect the kids..that's all we can say! And yeah, don't get me wrong ! I'm not trying to teach anyone how to d their duties! I know how it feels-16-year-old teaching parenting lol XD I'm not teaching, you know it better XD Just shared what I felt.
Pray all kids to have their best time and get everything they deserve <3
Edit: I may have said things in this blog I wouldn't agree now or maybe the way I said it is too childish, so keep in mind that this is an old blog. I'm not deleting it because blogs are my first online appearance as a writer :p
Remember a blog I wrote about children long ago? Well, this is also about them but not actually a sequel to it, just another blog with the same topic. So,let us jump right into it :P
Let me narrate you a little incident that happened recently. I was in a masjid and a little kid to me and said "Bhayya! Can you button my sleeve ?". I looked at him, smiled and buttoned his sleeve. This seemed cute to me for some reason. Weird? it may be :P But the point is that kid was so innocent and cute,exactly the way child of his age should be. After the salah on my way to my cousin's home (I was at my cousin's as there was a family gathering), I kind of felt nostalgic about no longer being a child...I mean how calm and relieved their minds are! No weekend tests, no assignments, no exams, nothing! All they worry about is how to convince dad to let them eat an ice cream :P Really! Children are so happy and carefree!
A few hours later, I decided to take a walk out. I passed in front of two kids. One of them was thrashing another one. He was hitting him so hard! I stopped and thought if I should stop them! Just then a woman came out (maybe their mother) and took away the boy who was hitting another. I looked at the boy who had my sympathy, he cried and whoa! I heard him shout an expletive !! I was like what-the-hell-is-happening! Abusing at this age is something I never even thought about! At that age,if I think about my childhood,I only talked about things which made everyone laugh at my sweetness :P This incident made me rethink if childhood is really the best period? Well, it may not be if you are not raised well. If one is not raised in a good way in this phase of life, it will have a big effect on their future!
Well, going back to this kids...Was it really their fault? Nope. It is their parents' fault! One need to keep a tab on with whom their kids are spending time with! Well, if the parents themselves are a bad influence? May Allah protect the kids..that's all we can say! And yeah, don't get me wrong ! I'm not trying to teach anyone how to d their duties! I know how it feels-16-year-old teaching parenting lol XD I'm not teaching, you know it better XD Just shared what I felt.
Pray all kids to have their best time and get everything they deserve <3
Love, A.S.
Edit: I may have said things in this blog I wouldn't agree now or maybe the way I said it is too childish, so keep in mind that this is an old blog. I'm not deleting it because blogs are my first online appearance as a writer :p
may all te kids in dis have their best time and et everything khair ..and wt dey desreve...ameen